In summer, all kinds of fresh fruits are on the market, which is a good season to eat fruits. Nowadays, more and more families have purchased a juicer.

When the weather is hot and sweating profusely, drinking a glass of freshly squeezed juice is cool and sweet, which is really a word "cool". Compared with carbonated beverages, people feel that squeezing fruit into juice is good, nutritious and convenient.

It is said that drinking orange juice is good for the body, but do you know what are the benefits? Not only are there many types of oranges, but there are also many varieties of orange juice on the market, but the protagonist we are talking about today mainly refers to freshly squeezed orange juice without additives.

Oranges or other citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, which has many benefits for the body, from tissue growth and repair to keeping bones, teeth, cartilage, and blood vessels healthy.

Additionally, as an antioxidant, it neutralizes free radicals and prevents cell damage. Vitamin C also pierces immune cells such as phagocytes and T cells to enhance their function, which is why people are advised to eat citrus fruits to boost their immunity.

Not only are oranges rich in antioxidants, they also have anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have found that if you drink orange juice when you eat foods high in fat and carbohydrates, you can prevent the oxidative stress and inflammation triggered by these foods, as well as help prevent blood vessel damage and reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke.

It seems that the nutritional value of freshly squeezed orange juice is very good, but you need to pay attention, do not overdo it.

Freshly squeezed fruit juice is the fruit juice squeezed by a juicer after peeling and removing the core from fresh and clean fruit.

Because freshly squeezed juice is not equal to fruit. After the fruit is processed by physical methods such as pressing, centrifugation, and extraction, some nutrients will be lost, so the efficacy and nutritional content of fruit juice and fruit are different.

In particular, during the juicing process, a large amount of water-insoluble dietary fiber, potassium, calcium, etc. are discarded along with the pomace, while sugar and heat continue to remain in the juice.

In addition to the loss of fiber, pectin, etc., drinking freshly squeezed juice has some disadvantages. Because the sugar content in most fruits is relatively high, if you only drink freshly squeezed juice without other foods, it will make blood sugar fluctuate violently, which is not good for blood sugar control.

For people who want to lose weight by drinking freshly squeezed fruit juice, the juice squeezed from fruits with high sugar content will not help people lose weight, but will lead to obesity.