Monkey is a general term for primates and monkeys. The entire primate family can be divided into two suborders due to differences in evolutionary levels, namely the anthropoid suborder and the ape suborder, also known as apes and prosimians.

Monkeys have longer limbs with a clear division of labor. Their joints are flexible and can be used freely. The thumb can be held against the other four fingers, and their hands have certain operating functions.

Their binocular vision is similar to that of humans, as it is located in front of the head and has the function of "double vision", which can accurately judge distance. Monkeys have short upper and lower jaws, large brain cavities, well-developed brains, and relatively high intelligence.

Most monkeys are omnivorous and mainly eat plants, but will not give up the readily available meat. They usually move in small family groups, but can also form large groups. Most monkeys can walk upright, but not for very long. They are active during the day, while some species of monkeys are also active at night.

Monkeys are mammals, and their reproductive method is mainly viviparous. Generally, one child is conceived every six months, and each child produces 1-3 offspring.

It is undeniable that humans are the most special existence on Earth. However, a question has troubled many people for many years: Did the ancestors of humans really come from "monkeys"? If the answer is yes, why haven't other primates evolved into intelligent beings?

So, did humans really originate from "monkeys"? Through modern scientific research, scientists have discovered that there are many similarities between humans and apes, especially between chimpanzees and humans, as the genetic difference is less than 1.5%.

From an evolutionary perspective, some monkeys walked into the forest from the mountains and evolved into apes to adapt to the environment. Some of them walked into the grassland and needed to walk upright to walk faster and save energy, eventually evolving into human beings, while the rest remained monkeys.

Then there is the physiological structure. There are obvious differences in appearance and structure, and the key is the structure of the brain. The human forebrain is well-developed, allowing for rich emotions and complex human society.

Apes also have forebrains, but they are underdeveloped, so they use tools and have emotions, but much less than humans. Monkeys have less developed forebrains, resulting in less emotion and tool use.

While there are many similarities between humans and apes, there are also significant differences. One of the most notable differences is language.

Humans have the ability to communicate through complex language systems, while apes do not. While some apes can learn sign language, they do not have the ability to create or use language in the same way that humans do.

Another difference between humans and apes is their ability to reason and think abstractly. While apes can solve problems and use tools, they do not have the same level of abstract reasoning as humans. This ability to think abstractly is one of the key factors that has allowed humans to create complex societies and cultures.