Tigers are a very fierce large cat family. There are many types and different hair colors. The so-called white tiger is actually the mutant variety of Bangladesh tigers-Bangladesh White Tiger. Due to genetic mutations, the original yellow fur of Bangladesh Tiger turned white. The first wild Bangladesh was discovered and captured in India in 1951, named "Mohan".

Hundreds of white tigers in the world are all descendants of Mohan. Bangladesh White Tiger is a world -class protection animal and a national treasure of India. There are only about 210 white tigers in the world, which is very rare.

Bangladesh white tiger is not a separate species. It is due to genetic mutations that the Bangladesh tiger's original orange -yellow hair transformed into white. The white control gene after mutation is hidden. These white hidden genes are carried by a few Bangladesh tigers and do not exist on other tiger subspecies.

In terms of biology, such white species are often called Albino animals, such as white crows and white bears. Normal animals have different colors because their bodies can autonomously synthesize a substance called melanin. In the process of synthetic melanin, a substance called tyrosine is essential, and it can become melanin. This enzyme cannot be produced in the albumin. Without it, tyrosine cannot be converted into melanin, and these animals have to show a white appearance.

But Bangladesh's white tiger is not a tiger who has albinism. Because animals that have albinism are often white, and Bangladesh white tigers still have black stripes, which also proves the particularity of the white tiger from the side.

Bangladesh White Tiger is a mutant Bangladesh Tiger. They mainly live in Bangladesh and India, and they also have a small amount of distribution in Nepal, Bhutan, China and Myanmar. Most of these places are mainly mountains and forests, and Bangladesh's white fur is easy to expose their positions. Although they are rarely attacked by other animals and do not need to hide themselves deliberately, the eye -catching white also makes their prey easily discover them and escape in time.

Most Bangladesh White Tigers are prey at night. They have sensitive hearing, sharp teeth, retractable claws and hidden stripes. Although it runs less fast, it can capture the prey very skillfully. Bangladesh is not afraid of water and is good at swimming. Sometimes it jumps into the water to avoid hot weather to keep it cool.

Bangladesh's white tiger eats a lot. It eats about 29 kg of meat a day, equivalent to 15 chickens. Due to the decrease in habitats, Bangladesh Tiger was forced to hunt different animals. From small monkeys to one ton of bison, it may become tiger food.

Because Bangladesh's white tiger lacks protection, it is very difficult to survive in nature and has been extinct in the wild. With the advancement of technology, people discovered the hidden genes of Bangladesh white tigers. Scientists combine the yellow tiger and white tiger with hidden genes, which greatly improves the birth rate of the white tiger.